Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Scientific Name: Coracina novaehollandiae
Description: Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes have a black face and throat. The back, wings and tail are blue-grey, and the underparts are paler. Young birds do not have the full black mask on the face and neck of the adults. They are often called “shufflewings” because of their curious habit of shuffling the wings, one over the other, upon landing.
The chirring call of this handsome bird is often the first indication of its presence. Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes may perch high in gum trees where they feed on insects and grubs.
They are able to eat the woolly caterpillars whose hairs cause other birds’ discomfort. They feed on insects and other invertebrates, sometimes fruit and seeds.
Type: Bird
Where to find: Wooded habitats and urban areas, where they are often seen perched on overhead wires or television aerials.
Size: 36cm