Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Scientific Name: Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
Description: The Yellow-rumped Thornbill is the largest of the thornbills and has a stunning yellow rump, which shows a flash of yellow, contrasting with the black, white-tipped tail, when they fly. A white eye-brow and black crown with white spots is also a useful aid to identification. A pretty tinkling cyclical call may be the first indication of the presence of these birds.
They prefer to be near trees or bushes but spend much of their time feeding on the ground. Look for them in short grass, such as on the football ground or around the Caravan Park. They are usually found in small flocks, often with other insectivorous ground birds. The nest is a dome hanging in drooping foliage and usually has a “false nest” in the form of a cupped depression on the top. They feed on insects and occasionally seeds.
Type: Bird
Where to find: Open habitats such as woodlands, forests, shrubland and grasslands with some trees.
Size: 12cm