Explore Life on the Bluff
The Bluff, the estuary, and their surrounds are filled with life – on land, in the skies, and below the waves. From large seabirds to the smallest crab, and from the tallest Moonah trees to the tiniest algae, there are so many different plants and animals to learn about.
Click on the squares below to explore the many life forms found on land, in the sea, or in the sky.
Each page features a selection of the most common or interesting plants and animals found locally. Images and descriptions will help you to identify and learn more about ‘life on the edge’ of Barwon Bluff and beyond.
Explore Land
Explore Sea
Explore Sky
Bernie Lingham (Darwin’s Bubbles – Algae)
Geoff Gates (Australian Fur-seal – Marine Mammals, Pacific Gull – Bird)
Imogen Manins (Sea Tulip – Ascidians)
Lachlan Forbes (Pied Oystercatcher banner)
Mark Rodrigue (Lace Coral – Bryozoans, Seastar – Echinoderms, Old Wife – Fish, Sponges, Waratah Anemone – Stingers & Combs)
Naomi Wells (Coast Twin-leaf – Plants, Echidna – Mammals, Barnacles – Arthropods, Elephant Snail – Molluscs, Tubeworm – Worms)
Pete Crowcroft (Lowland Copperhead Snake)
Wayne Martin (Sea Nymph Grass – Flowering Plants)