Coast Beard Heath
Scientific Name: Leucopogon parviflorus
Description: Coast Beard Heath has masses of highly scented flowers occurring on short spikes. The fleshy, white, bead-like fruits are edible and are an important food source for a number of native birds in the summer. It has finely fissured dark brown bark on old, gnarled plants.
Common across the Bluff, this large perennial shrub is the first to flower. Honeyeaters are attracted to the masses of white flowers. Birds are an important method of seed dispersal for this species as the seed will not germinate unless it has passed through a bird’s stomach.
It is named ‘beard heath’ due to the dense beard of hairs on the petals. The ripe, bead-like fruit are a traditional food source for the Wadawurrung.
Plant form: Shrub
Where to find: Across the entire Bluff
Foliage: Stiff oval to pointed leaves with a pale underside; new growth is bright green
Flower: Masses of densely bearded white tubular flowers tinged with maroon
Flowering: September – November